Online Learning After the Pandemic

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June 2, 2021

It finally feels like the end is in sight for many of us. COVID-19 has touched almost every aspect of our daily lives in one way or another, not the least of which has been how we teach our children. Online learning has been the go-to solution for nearly all schools during this very trying year. While for some it has been very difficult, for others online learning has opened a door to a completely new, more flexible method of education that will last.

Pandemic-era Remote Learning

At the end of the 2019 academic year, most schools were using online learning as a simple band-aid solution to finish off the last few months. It was a scramble for teachers and administrators alike to quickly find methods that were accessible for all students and allowed for actual teaching to happen. This led to some pretty mixed results. Traditional schooling is not meant for online delivery so for many teachers it felt like trying to jam a square peg into a round hole.

The start of the 2020-21 school year was even more daunting. Brick-and-mortar schools now faced the challenge of potentially forcing an entire year of academics online. Add to this the stress many families were going through, health-wise and economically, and you had a recipe for a fairly miserable year. Many families made the decision to turn to established online schools to gain some stability. Enter iCademy Middle East!

How iCademy is Different


iCademy Middle East has been operating as an online school for more than a decade. Many of our teachers are veterans of the system and well-practiced in online teaching. Our staff understands how to deliver lessons online in a way that is accessible and easy to navigate. iCademy’s method of online learning, while different from traditional education, still meets the same benchmarks and educational standards that students would receive in a brick-and-mortar school. iCademy Middle East is the only accredited online school in the Middle East region. Families know their students are getting a quality education.

Programs Specifically Formatted for Online Delivery

iCademy Middle East uses AMP (Accel Management Platform) and Canvas to deliver lessons. All of our courses are specifically designed to be taught online. This allows for increased flexibility in a student’s education, as well as assurance that all standards are being met.

Tailored Learning Options

iCademy Middle East may be an online school, but that doesn’t mean we are one-size-fits-all! We have many options available to help tailor the learning expereince for our students. Our Learning Center in Dubai Knowledge Village gives students personalized help. It also gives students the chance to interact socially with their classmates, much like a traditional school. We also offer virtual learning coaches who check in with students daily to help keep them on track. Students can choose how much independence and flexibility they need. We even offer options for students of determination.

While we fully recognize that online learning is not for everyone, iCademy Middle East provides a great alternative to traditional schooling. The pandemic may thankfully be coming to an end, but flexibility and freedom in education don’t have to! Contact us today to see how we can help!

*iCademy Middle East is an American curriculum online school that provides a comprehensive education to students based in the UAE and around the world. We are NEASC and KHDA accredited, and provide individualized learning and instruction from grades K through 12.